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2019The Care Companion Program was recognized by the Ministry of Health as a Best Replicable Practice in Public Health in the Health Systems and Maternal and Newborn Category
2020The Care Companion Programme won Azim Premji University’s “Stories of Change: 2020-2021 Volume II, Case Studies on Development Action and Impact” YosAid Innovation Foundation’s survey conducted during COVID-19 was mentioned in TheHindu in an article titled “Survey finds shift from COVID-19 fears to income concerns”
2023- The Tuberculosis family caregiver model was named by the Hon. Prime Minister Narendra Modi as one of five key initiatives to end TB in India, setting the program up for national level scale - YosAid Innovation Foundation was mentioned in two articles regarding their work in Andhra Pradesh: 1) TheHindu in an article titled, “Health Dept., YosAid Innovation Foundation to implement Care Companion Programme in Andhra Pradesh” 2) The New Indian Express in an article titled, “MoU inked to extend support to mom, newborns in AP”
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